
上海佘山国际高尔夫俱乐部肯定是最好的,承办三年HSBC Champion ,不过那可不是每个人都能打的,那里是会员制的球场,非会员不行还有昆山的旭宝,那的服务很好,承办过VOLVO,汤臣高尔夫承办过BMW,离佘山较近的天马高尔夫乡村俱乐部服务和管理都很好。差的就不用说了,**球场临时会所从开业到现在都很多年了。


我是旷野高尔夫球场的 ,我们跟上海的六家球场合作,浦东的金桥,汤臣,可以的,另外我们现在这里是夏季团购活动,个人的商务卡,仅需5998一年,送您20节课的教练陪同课程,另外还送你一个枪包(内含1号木杆,推杆 7号万能干)。活动截止到8月底。另外凡事在我们俱乐部办卡的所有会员可享受上海六家球场的待遇,包括 银涛,金桥,黄兴公园,南宫馆,仙霞,金沙江。


上海滨海高尔夫俱乐部于2000年开业,整体规划建造54洞国际标准高尔夫球场。现已投入使用27洞,包括18洞仙湖球场和二期球场的前9洞。滨海高尔夫球场已晋升为上海市最大规模的高尔夫球会之一。 Introduction Shanghai Binhai Golf Club was opened in 2000, the Club plans to build a 54 holes international championship golf courses, including the 18 holes Fairy Lake Golf Course which has been opened for 3 years. The Club will become the biggest golf club in Shanghai city with completion of the 27 holes by Sept. of 2003. 名师设计球场 仙湖球场设计由享誉世界高坛,连续五届获得英国高尔夫公开赛冠军的Peter Thomson先生主持。Thomson先生累积了在全球各地设计及改造超过150多个球场的经验,为本俱乐部设计完美的苏格兰Links风格球场。新9洞的森林球场揉合了滨海地区的自然景观及原始地貌,天然植物与沙坑和湖泊作出了完美的结合。 Signature Courses The Fairy Lake Course is planned and designed by Thomson Wolveridge & Perrett Golf Course Designers (TWP). The firm has built and redesigned more than 150 courses worldwide. Golf course architect, Peter Thomson, five times British Open champion, with over 30 years experience in golf course design, brings us a perfect Links course. The new 9 holes "Forest" Course skillfully incorporates the surrounding natural beauty to provide a challenging yet picturesque golfing adventure for players at all levels. 世界级的专业管理 俱乐部执行董事Wyndham Heyring先生曾受雇于誊满全球的Royal Hong Kong Golf Club担任总经理一职逾十年之久;Heyring先生亦曾于全亚洲最具规模之观澜湖高尔夫球会任执行董事一职。Heyring先生将引领本俱乐部员工为会员带来高品质服务,使俱乐部得到稳定持续的发展。 World Class Professional Management Mr Wyndham Heyring, Executive Director of the Club,has more than 30 years experience in Club management. He worked for the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club, one of the world's most famous and prestigious golf clubs, for 11 years as General Manager. His most recent appointment was as Executive Director of Mission Hills Golf Club, Shenzhen, the largest golf facility in Asia. Mr Heyring and his staff will bring you the most attentive service, making your every visit a memorable one. 国际化的会员 超过50%的会员都是外籍人士,包括欧、美及亚洲各国的精英,其中不少更是世界500强企业的CEO。滨海高尔夫俱乐部不但缔造了青年才俊的时尚世界,更成为了在沪最受外籍人士欢迎的球场。 Elite International Membership Joining Binhai as a member is much more than just joining another club! The Club has the honour and privilege ofshavingsas its members the majority of distinguished individuals who control the major companies in Shanghai. The Club is also the most popular golf club among expatriates in Shanghai who make up half of its current membership. 卓越的服务理念 无论是会籍服务、前台接待、球场管理、餐饮服务等都是以宾客的需要而存在,务求得到您满意的笑容。短期内会所将进行一连串的翻新工程,旨在令会员倍感舒适、宾至如归。 Warm & Efficient Service At Binhai, our mission is to make every visit to the Club happy and memorable and a place that you will look forward to using as often as time permits. Our staff have been trained to provide the highest standards of service with member satisfaction as our priority. The current renovations of the Clubhouse will further enhance this as an ideal venue for business networking and personal relaxation. 地势优越 俱乐部坐落在浦东开发区的南端,与日益繁忙的浦东机场仅有20分钟车程、离金茂大厦50分钟车程,与规划中的环球片场仅30分钟车程及中国最大的临港工业园更是近在咫尺。轨道交通、磁悬浮列车、卢浦大桥的贯通更令您轻松穿越城市脉络到达目的地。为了体现会员的尊荣地位,俱乐部更提供了陆家嘴及古北至滨海高尔夫的班车路线,进一步方便会员光临俱乐部。 Prime Location The Club is located in the southeast side of Pudong, 20 minutes drive to Pudong International Airport, 50 minutes drive to Jin Mao. The world famous Universal Studio venue is 30 minutes drive and Lingang Industry Zone is within the Club's proximity. The Club is well connected by highway and the soon to be opened maglev train will bring the Club to the heart of the city within minutes. Daily shuttle service is also available for members and guests from Gubei and Lujiazui Driving Range.